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jeudi 16 avril 2009

Un Mexicain à Pékin


"J'ai eu un rêve où mon grand-père déjà mort ouvrait une porte qui conduisait au jardin de chez moi, avec l'oranger fleuri. Je sais où je dois être. Et je suis content."

Ah, il va me manquer. Rodrigo est l'exemple vivant que malgré la différence des cultures et des langues, deux âmes peuvent être d'une extraordinaire proximité. Un peu plus tard, je vous raconterai son histoire. Une histoire dingue. Derrière les sourires et les visages tranquilles se cachent bien des forces, des folies, des courages, des sagesses enfin.

En attendant, je lui laisse la parole...

I know we don‘ t see each other .

We live a t the same building, We share the bricks and windows of this cage dorée where the secret voices of other foreign teachers have sound loud and quietly. If you approach your ears to the walls , you can hear the solitude and the joy , the surprise and the sadness.

From this cell I‘ ve been living the great journey, the trip to the most hidden areas of my soul, my fears and mi strength.

I know we could have stood together son many evenings without talking, just seeing the bottom of our eyes and revealing the mystery of this and another lives. Seeing the invisible things that are alive inside us and, at any moment , can take many forms.

I left. I abandoned everything to come here. My body and soul have suffered. But now I see a different landscape of the existence. Such treasure , being alive,
is invaluable, and it is very easy to waste the water of this sacred river. China has been like an huge animal that breaths under my feet. A strange ancient beast that has gave me the opportunity of knowledge. The privilege of the solitude, the reflection, the pain and the endless way to the happiness.

I want to be a better human being. I want to be less selfish and more compassionate. I want to feel the continuo thread of the plot that began to be woven with the first alive being , millions of years ago. I am small, less wise tan an ant and with a lot of tasks in my life.

I must shake away the dust and find the light , here and now, in every little movement of the life. Awareness could be terrifying but it is the path to a better reality.

A Mexican poet, Jaime Sabines, says:

I am water with a body that will be drunk by the earth,

I am fire, I am compressed air,

I won‘ t last.

We are a second, a miracle, a pause in God‘ s work. I was a seed in the land, and when I grew up , I had the chance of finding the shine of your cat eyes.

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